Turkey-Syria Earthquake Now

Nov 08, 2023
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
Turkey-Syria Earthquake Now

トルコ・シリア地震でボランティア活動 報告会に参加して I attended the meeting about the volunteering work for TurkeySyria earthquakes.


CODE, Citizens towards Overseas Disaster Emergency, is a Japanese NPO organisation. They have visited the disaster area since TurkeySyria earthquakes occurred on 6th of February 2023. They organised a meeting to exchange the experiences between the Japanese and the Turkish volunteers in Istanbul on 24th October 2023 after visiting the area from 19th of October 2023.


My Turkish friend volunteered at the Turkey-Syria earthquakes. She kindly invited me to the meeting between Japanese and Turkish volunteers while I was in Istanbul in October 2023.Therefore,I joined the event.


I was actually in Istanbul when the earthquakes occurred. I did not know about this kind of organisation and what I was able to do was only donation. Therefore, I felt lucky to know about CODE and to be invited to this event.


Those Turkish volunteers explained the difficulties to continue working. It requires a lot of people to help due to the massive disaster area but it is not easy in the country which has a younger population compared to Japan. University students cannot visit the area while studying and it is also difficult to have a leave for volunteering. Working people have to work to make ends meet due to the hyperinflation. Also, financial donations have not been given enough for a long period.


The policy of CODE is to support each other between Japan and oversea countries over disasters. They brought the Japanese fan designed by Japanese students as the gifts and exchanged the Japanese song and the Turkish song by singing and playing the guitar. It was such a wonderful moment to share though the meeting.


I would like to share that their online meeting will be held between 10:00 and 12:00 (JST)and please sign up from the link below if you are interested.



Also, I would like to share the policy of CODE below as it touched my heart strongly.





‘Improving the Power of Global Citizen by KIZUNA (Bondings)      

You can bond with people even if our countries are not bonding with each other. As the connections between the affected areas in the world cannot be faded, we can always find the language about natural disasters to communicate by recognizing different cultures and customs. We CODE believe that these connections could help with improving the power of global citizens and making peace.

Source: https://code-jp.org/en/about-us/


I appreciate Masamichi Yoshitsubaki, the Secretary General, Taichi Yamamura and other members of CODE for this opportunity. I wish all the best.


新井峰子Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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