Tea Culture - Japan Turkiye UK

May 26, 2024


It's the season for fresh tea in Japan, and you can enjoy the delicious aroma from tea factories all over Shizuoka. I would like to share my experiences In Japan, Türkiye, and the UK, where tea is often drunk.

お茶は茶葉から出して飲むというのは静岡では普通ですが、東京ではティーバッグで出す人もいるようです。また、京都では抹茶を飲むことが多いようです。トルコでは必ず茶葉から出します。しかもしっかり出すために、çaydanlık という2層式のティーポットがあります。下に熱いお湯を入れて火にかけ、その上に茶葉とお湯が入ったポットを置いて温度を15分間高く保って抽出します。とても香り高いチャイができます。イギリスではたいていみなさんティーバッグで出しているのを見ます。高級なホテルなどでは茶葉で出してくれるところもあります。

It is common in Shizuoka to drink tea made from the tea leaves, but I heard that many people make it from tea bags in Tokyo. Also, people in Kyoto often drink matcha. In Türkiye, tea is always made from tea leaves. Moreover, they invented a two-layer teapot called çaydanlık to ensure that the tea is brewed properly. They boil water at the bottom to maintain the heat, then place a pot with tea leaves and hot water on top and keep the temperature high for 15 minutes to brew. You can make a very fragrant chai in this way. In the UK, it is usually served with tea bags. But nice hotels sometimes serve tea from tea leaves!

日本でもトルコでも飲む人全員に同じ味のお茶を出し、日本ではお茶に砂糖もミルクも入れませんが、トルコでは砂糖を入れる人も多いです。イギリスでは人の好みに合わせて濃さを変えます。砂糖を入れない人もいますが、たいていミルクを入れて飲みます。それで、英語のレッスンで暗記させられたmy cup of teaが「自分のテイスト」という意味になることがわかりました。昔、ニュージーランドでホームステイをしていた時、日本のお茶を作ってあげたんですが、ミルクと砂糖を入れるか聞かれて、とてもびっくりしました。私はこのような考え方をしたことがなかったんですね。日本ではカップによって味が違ったら失礼だと考えるところが面白いですね。

Both in Japan and Türkiye, they serve the same taste of tea to everyone who drinks it. Japanese people don't add sugar and milk to green tea, but many Turkish people in like to add sugar to their Turkish tea. In the UK, people tend to change the strength according to their taste. And some people take sugar, but almost all people drink it with milk. Then I finally understood the actual meaning of the phrase "my cup of tea" as "my taste" that I was forced to memorise at the English lesson. This cultural difference was the key. A long time ago, when I home-stayed in New Zealand, I made Japanese tea for the host child. I was very surprised when he asked me if he should add milk and sugar. I had never thought like this before. By the way, it's interesting that it's considered kind of rude if the taste differs depending on the cup in Japan.


Regarding cups, Japanese teacups range from small to large, but in Turkey they are mostly small and made with glass. This is because you can always drink it hot, and the curved and narrowed top seems to be designed to keep it hot. Also, it is practical that the glass material doesn't get stains from tea. In the UK, people often use large cups and the tea often gets cold halfway through, so a microwave is great to make it hot again!

ちなみに、どの国でもホットで飲むものですが、日本の夏はとても暑いので、よく冷たいお茶も飲みます。でも、イギリスやトルコで冷たいのを見たことがありません。皆さんの国ではどうですか。By the way, tea is drunk hot in all countries, but summer in Japan is very hot, so cold green tea is popular as well. But I've never seen cold tea in England and Türkiye. What about your country?

日本では静岡を中心に各地でお茶を生産していて、トルコでも黒海に面した地方で茶葉を生産しています。イギリスでは茶葉を作っていないので、ケニヤ、スリランカ、インドなどから輸入しているそうです。イギリスの歴史的な背景が伺えますね。In Japan, tea is produced mainly in Shizuoka but across Japan. In Turkey, tea is produced in the Black Sea regions. In the UK, tea is not grown and its imported from countries such as Kenya, Sri Lanka, and India. You can see the historical background of England.


In Shizuoka, people drink sencha (brewed tea) from morning till evening and talk with your family after dinner. I love this time. For matcha(powder tea), you can drink it at a tea room nowadays. But you drink it when you are invited to a tea ceremony. Of course it's free, but people who know the etiquette participate, so people who are learning matcha are the only ones who are normally invited (maybe not fair?). In Türkiye, I have heard that there is a custom of drinking tea with the family every day especially after meals, but I wonder if there is something like the Japanese tea ceremony? If anyone knows please let me know. In the UK, anyone can enjoy afternoon tea at a hotel and a café by making a reservation and paying for it. I love it!


What kind of tea culture does your country have? It's interesting to see how each country has its own particularities about how to serve and drink tea. However, one thing they all have in common is that drinking tea together gives people time to socialise, which is wonderful because we all appreciate this moment as human. I would be very happy if you have learnt something, understood different cultures and broaden your views to see the world.

 Mineko Areai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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