Thank you for all the way to my birthday in 2024

Sep 17, 2024


Thank you very much for your wonderful celebration with presents and meals, all my students and teachers! I would also like to thank you as my social media followers for your warm and kind wishes from all over the world.


My dream as a Japanese teacher is to create the future which we accept the differences, understand and socialise each other as global citizens. I couldn’t  get over everything all the way for the last 20 years without your amazing support in my life.


At the party, I served my handmade cake with my full of love and it was great that all of you complimented the taste. Even my gourmet student told me how much he enjoyed it! You made me absolutely happy!

Arai Academyの生徒の皆さんは人によって3年から12年以上毎週学び続けてくれて、皆さんにこれまで長年ずっと支えられているからこそ、今の私がいます。これは本当にありがたいことで、感謝してもしきれない思いです。みなさん、とても忙しい中、時間を作ってお祝いしてくれたことに心からお礼申し上げます。

My students have continued to study with me every week for the last  3 to 12 years or more, depending on the person, and I am at this stage today thanks to your continuous support for all these years. I am truly grateful to have such wonderful students and cannot thank you enough. And I appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart for making time to celebrate together despite your busy schedules.


Also, Kimura-sensei from Arai Academy came all the way from the Netherlands to join us, as well as Harumi-sensei, who has taken over the SOAS course I was teaching, and Fukuyama-sensei, my new connection on LinkedIn.

ちょうど20年前の2004年に私がロンドン大学SOASで修士の学生だった時に教えていたアシフさんやキングスカレッジの生徒だったニッコさんもいつもArai Academy of Japanese Studiesのイベントに参加してくれ、今回もお祝いに来てくれました。

Exactly 20 years ago, I was teaching to Asif when I was a master's student at SOAS, University of London in 2004, and Nikko was my student at King's College. They  have always attended my academy’s events and came to celebrate my birthday in 2024.


Remembering the time in 2004,  I was studying hard to become a Japanese language teacher. Unlike today, there were not many people learning Japanese and there was no online teaching, so I was keen on teaching for my experiences, even as a volunteer, and even a four-hour return journey. I remember how happy I was just to have someone who was willing to learn Japanese back then. Of course today, I also feel full of gratitude every single day for you who are learning Japanese.


Those who could not join the party kindly celebrated on another day. My former boss, who hired me at the Modern Language Centre at King's College in 2009, continued our relationship even after her retirement in 2012 and treated me to a gorgeous lunch at one of the most authentic Japanese restaurants in London.

7年前、キングスカレッジの教え子だったスペイン人のマヌエルさんはスペイン料理でお祝い、いつも日本語で仕事をしてくれているフランス人のローレンさんは海辺のホテルでフランス料理のディナーをごちそうしてくれました。Manuel, who is Spanish and was a student of mine at King's College seven years ago, celebrated with Spanish food. And Lauren, who is French and has always worked in Japanese, treated me a French dinner at a seaside hotel.

当アカデミーのエンブレムをデザインしてくれたアシュさんはトルコ料理のディナーを、ヨーロッパ旅行に行ったボブさんはその前に家でガーデンパーティーをしてくれました。Ash, who designed the emblem for my academy, hosted a Turkish dinner, and Bob, who travelled to Europe, hosted a garden party at his house before his holiday.


Anastasia, who is a Japanese art dealer and was attending the auctions in Tokyo, and David, who had to go on a business trip to Italy at the last minute, made time for me one afternoon.


Steve, the team manager at SONY who gave me the contract, treated me to a nice cake and coffee, and Christophe from Dentsu treated me to tasty Thai food.


When Dentsu bought a British company in 2013,  he first gave me the contract for the group course for the executives after a trial lesson, and in 2023, he introduced the CFO and CSO for their private lessons.


I am truly grateful to the many students and teachers who have helped me until today. I was not able to think about all I went through, such as job hunting, becoming a lecturer, designing my academy's website, and signing corporate training contracts and all in English, when I was a student in London.


I grew up in the East, built a career as a Japanese language teacher in the West while learning about the totally different culture, and last year I spent four months in Turkey, a country that blends both of these worlds and allowed me to experience and expand my understanding about the wider world.

これからは私の夢により近づけるよう、日本語教師会や日本語勉強会、また日本人向けに英語勉強会なども少しずつ活動を始めていきたいと思います。世界中の人たちがお互いを分かり合い、心が通い合えるコミュニケーションができたら素敵ですね。In order to get closer to my dream, I would like to start working on the communities such as ‘Japanese Language Teacher s’ and ‘Japanese Language Learners’ as well as ‘English Language Learners’ for Japanese people. It would be beautiful if we could understand each other and communicate with each other through heart to heart beyond the borders as one.


From now on, I would like to share with you my absolute struggle to learn English from scratch, my own learning methods, and my cross-cultural experiences as a backpacker and so on. Let’s learn together and grow together in this globalizing world online. Thank you for your continuing support.


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