Motivated Successful Teacher - How to keep going on one thing!
Jan 06, 2025
How to keep going on one thing!
こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。皆さんは今、何か1つのことを成し遂げたいと思っていますか。どの分野でもゴールを達成した人の話を聞くと、やる気が出ますね。そんな皆さんへ、今回は私の大先輩である日本語の先生、ケリー恵子先生を紹介します。ケリー先生の日本語教師としての長いキャリアの話はとても役に立つと思います。これからの人生をより充実させたい皆さんへのメッセージです。
Hello, my name is Arai from Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. Are you currently looking to accomplish one thing? You can be inspired by a person who has achieved a goal in any field. I would like to introduce my senior Japanese teacher(sensei), Keiko Kelly. Kelly-sensei’s stories about her long career as a Japanese language teacher should be useful for you. This is a message for you to make your life more fulfilling in the future.
初めにケリー先生のキャリアについてですが、1999年にイギリスの高校で教え始めたのがきっかけで、ロンドン大学の日本語教育の名門SOASで日本語教師の資格を取って、SOASとキングス・カレッジ・ロンドンで教えました。その後、日本に数年戻り、立命館アジア太平洋大学でも留学生向けの日本語コースを担当しました。現在イギリスに戻り、Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesで一緒にお仕事することになりました。
First, let me tell you about Kelly-sensei's career. She started teaching at a high school in England in 1999, and qualified as a Japanese teacher at SOAS, a prestigious Japanese language education institution at the University of London, then she taught at SOAS and King's College London. She returned to Japan for a few years and taught Japanese language courses for international students at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. She is now back in the UK and working with the Arai Academy of Japanese Studies.
I can feel Kelly-sensei's passion for teaching Japanese, as she has been teaching Japanese for over 20 years since the 90's, when the Japanese language was not as popular as it is today.
Next, the key to stay on one job for Kelly-sensei seems to follow her heart and choose what she wants to do.
I first met Kelly-sensei in 2009. She was my senior when I started as a university lecturer at King's College, University of London. Later, when I started working at SOAS, she was also teaching at this college.
その後私が大学の仕事を辞めて、Arai Academyでとても忙しくなって、ケリー先生とあまり連絡を取っていなかったんですが、2024年の夏にキングスカレッジの元上司が引き合わせてくれました。それから、私の生徒で日本美術を扱っているアナスタシアさんがロンドンのサザビーズで展示会をした時、ケリー先生もこのイベントに来てくれました。
After leaving the colleges, I had been too busy to stay in touch with Kelly-sensei due to Arai Academy. But my former boss at King's College brought us together in the summer 2024. Kelly-sensei also came to an exhibition by my student, Anastasia, a Japanese art dealer, at Sotheby's in London.
I always feel that it is only passion that keeps you going on the path you have chosen. In other words, you can't have other options. Of course, it is not always easy to start out, and there are many things along the way, but when you decide to follow this path, one step forward will lead you to the next step forward.
私も気が付いたら、イギリスの大学で日本語を教え始めてから20年目になります。これからはArai Academy of Japanese Studiesでも一緒にお仕事をしてくれるということで、また大先輩のケリー先生とこの日本語教育への情熱を共有していけることにとても感謝しています。
It has been already 20 years since I started my teaching position at the first university in the UK. I am grateful that Kelly-sensei will be working with me at Arai Academy of Japanese Studies from now on, and we can share our passion for teaching.
こちらはケリー先生からのメッセージです。Here is a message from Kelly Sensei.
「出会ったときからお変わりなく、とても素敵な新井先生の日本語教育への情熱には、お会いするたびに感動させられます。この Arai Academy にはその情熱があふれています。わたしも皆さんと一緒にその情熱を持ち続けられたらと思っています。
Every time I meet Arai-sensei, I am impressed by her passion for Japanese language education, which has remained unchanged since we first met. Her passion overflows into Arai Academy. It would be great to keep that passion alive with you.
To that end, I would like to send a message to you who study Japanese every day, “Like makes the best of what you do”. It means, “If you love what you do, you will be good at it.” But it can actually convey, “Because you love what you do, you can keep doing it. And because you keep doing it without giving up, you will get better at it and enjoy it even more”. This is exactly what I always thought when I was learning English a long time ago.
You may like Japanese food, Japanese anime, Japanese music, Japanese books, Japanese sports, and many other “likes”. This feeling of “liking” should be a great motivation for you. Let's value this feeling and keep our passion for the Japanese language together!
What do you want to continue doing now? Sometimes we feel anxious, don't we? I understand you because I feel the same. But if you follow your heart and look at the direction you want to be, I think you will be able to take action little by little toward there. Slowly you will start believing in yourself. Then you will be on the track like Kelly-sensei has done. I am your supporter!
Are you struggling with studying Japanese now? Kelly-sensei's mini-lessons offer support for the Japanese language. You can ask her about grammar, vocabulary, how to study, and even practice speaking. Please check out this LINK.
I hope you take a nice step forward today.
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