Motivated Successful Learner - Passed JLPT N1 after 10 Tries!

Sep 30, 2024
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
Motivated Successful Learner - Passed JLPT N1 after 10 Tries!

 こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。皆さんはチャレンジしたいけど、もうだめかもしれないと思ってあきらめてしまいそうになったことがありませんか。私もそういうときがあります。そこで、今回は「続ければ、成功できる!」という私の生徒の話を紹介します。ローレンさんはJLPTのN1を10回受けて合格しました。きっと皆さんも「まだできる!」とエネルギーが出てきたらとても嬉しいです。

Hello, Have you ever wanted to keep challenging something, but felt like giving up because it seemed impossible after all? I sometimes feel the same. Therefore, I would like to share a story of Laurene, one of my students, as a good example that would make you feel 'I still have a chance to succeed if I keep going!’ She took the JLPT N1 10 times and finally passed. I hope her story will inspire you and boost your energy to say “I can still do it!

 ローレンさんはロンドンで日本へのビジネス展開をサポートする会社に勤めていました。そして、この会社の社員教育の一貫でArai Academy of Japanese Studiesに日本語のトレーニングの依頼があり、ビジネス日本語の授業を始めました。

Laurene was working for a company in London that supported business development in Japan. As part of the company's employee training program, Arai Academy of Japanese Studies was asked to provide Japanese language training and began offering Business Japanese classes.


In the lessons, we polished all the skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking, including emails and presentations for work. Building confidence is a foundation for accelerating your learning especially for those who lack confidence. So, I supported  Laurene to build her confidence through our lessons.


Since I was giving lessons for Business Japanese, I did not give lessons specifically for the JLPT N1. Laurene prepared for N1 on her own and finally passed on her 10th attempt.


When I asked her what was different this time from before, she said, “My knowledge was the same. I just didn't have confidence in my Japanese before, but now I can trust myself, I was able to perform with my knowledge. At that time, Lauren had already improved her level through business Japanese lessons and was already different from before. She was able to believe ‘I can do it!’  By the way, she said to me, ‘Thanks to you, Arai-sensei!’ and  her words made me feel that I was able to play even a partial role in her life.

 私がいつも教える時一番大切にしている ことですが、やはり自信のパワーを感じました。毎回のレッスンで何ができるようになったか、一つ一つに満足できると、そのレッスンの前より自信が感じられるようになります。それが1か月続けば、より大きい満足になり、自信も大きくなりますね。これが1年続いたローレンさんは自信に満ちていたことでしょう。

I always value the power of confidence the most when I teach, and her story reminded me of it to me. When you are satisfied with what you have learned from each lesson, you gain more confidence than before the lesson. If this continued for a month, you would be more satisfied and your confidence would grow more. When it continued for a year, Lauren must have been filled with a full of confidence.


There is a Japanese proverb that says “you might fall seven times, but just stand up eight times.” but I think it is even better to say “nine falls, ten stand ups.

If you are trying to pass the JLPT, please remember that you can take this exam as many times as you want, so you are the one who creates more chances for yourself. And it would be even better if you can pass it after all.


If you are studying through lessons and materials that make you feel progress every single time, you will surely gain confidence. So, please keep challenging yourself! It is the energy within you that creates potential.


I surveyed my students' progress and confidence levels before and after taking the Arai Academy course. On average, their progress speed was 3.7 times higher, and their confidence level in speaking Japanese was 4 times higher.


If you are interested in Japanese lessons at Arai Academy of Japanese Studies, please click the LINK for more information.


We wish you great success!



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