Motivated Successful Teacher - Multi-Lingual Native Japanese Teacher

Jun 07, 2024
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
Motivated Successful Teacher - Multi-Lingual Native Japanese Teacher

こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。皆さんは今、外国語を勉強していますか。まず英語をマスターして、次に日本語を勉強している人も多いと思います。今回はそんな頑張っている皆さんに中村有里子先生が英語とトルコ語をマスターするまでのお話を紹介します。皆さんのやる気につながったら嬉しいです。

Hello, My name is Arai from Academy of Japanese Studies. Are you currently studying a foreign language? I think many of you are studying English first, and then Japanese. This time, I would like to introduce the story of how Yuriko Nakamura-sensei mastered English and Turkish. I hope it will motivate you more.

中村先生は小学3年生のときに、英語をマスターしたいと思ってから大学を卒業するまでの14年間、英語の勉強に集中してきました。それから日本の会社で外国人に日本語のサポートをして、トルコに移住してからはイスタンブールの大学で日本語を教えています。トルコ語で日本語教育の修士号も取りました。現在はArai Academy of Japanese Studiesでも一緒にお仕事しています。

Nakamura-sensei concentrated on studying English for 14 years, from the time she was in the third year of primary school until she graduated from university. Then she worked for a Japanese company providing Japanese language support to the foreign staff, and now she is teaching Japanese at a university in Istanbul after moving to Turkey. She also earned a master's degree in Japanese language teaching in Turkish. Currently she is also working with Arai Academy of Japanese Studies.

最初に中村先生に会ったのは、2023年3月にイスタンブールにいたときです。友人が勤めている大学に遊びに行った時、日本語のコースを取っている学生さんを紹介され、その人が中村先生を紹介してくれました。この日、お互いに会う予定ではなかったので、これは本当にご縁ですね。この年10月にイスタンブールに滞在したとき再会し、中村先生がもっと教えたいと言っていたので、Arai Academy で教えたいか聞いてみたら、「ぜひ!」と言われ、一緒に働くことになりました。

I first met Nakamura-sensei when I was in Istanbul in March 2023. When I visited my friend at the university where he works, he introduced the university student who was taking a Japanese language course, and she introduced me to Nakamura-sensei. We did not arrange to meet each other on that day, so our meeting just happened. When I stayed in Istanbul in October in the same year, we met again and Nakamura-sensei told me that she wanted to teach more, so I asked her if she would like to teach at Arai Academy, and she said, “Yes! This is how we started working together.


Next, the key to mastering her third language for Nakamura-sensei is to look only at the goal. You don't think about anything else, so you can focus all of your energy and time on the goal. She said that Turkish in particular is difficult to conjugate, so she wrote and wrote every day, sometimes revising the points from the previous week, until she memorized them completely. This is the same way that Japanese people learn Kanji characters by writing them down repeatedly.


It was hard for me to have completed my master's degree in English, so I can imagine it would be even harder if it were in Turkish. It is truly amazing that Nakamura-sensei has made it this far. I also feel her strong passion for Japanese lessons, and I can see that she is now focusing all her energy on it. Also, both Nakamura-sensei and I have a strong interest in cross-cultural understanding and education, so we often exchange/share our learning. It was wonderful that we met in Turkey, and I am very grateful that we are now working together.


This is a comment from Nakamura-sensei.


Arai-sensei is very attractive. She is friendly, approachable, very diligent, passionate, and highly ambitious. She also places the utmost importance on cross-cultural understanding, which is very important when teaching Japanese. I am truly happy to have met such a teacher. The important thing in studying Japanese is to set a goal that suits your level and keep going. Of course, it is not easy to keep your motivation. But at Arai Academy, the priority is each student's learning development and growth, so you can reach a level where you can speak with confidence. Then it will be more fun, so please take action. We are supporting you!

皆さんはどんな目標がありますか。ゴールだけを見て、そこにエネルギーと時間を使えば、中村先生のように3か国語もマスターできます。皆さんのゴール達成を心から 願っています。

What goals do you have? If you focus only on your goal and spend your energy and time on it, you will be able to master even three languages like Nakamura-sensei. I wish you all the best in achieving your goals from the bottom of my heart.


Are you currently having difficulties in studying Japanese? Nakamura-sensei offers mini-lessons on how to study, Japanese grammar, conversation practice, etc., depending on your needs. If you are interested, please visit this LINK. Good luck!

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