Motivated Successful Teacher - 木村先生
May 27, 2024
Hello. Do you want to succeed in something now? Hearing stories from people who have achieved their goals in any field is motivating. I would like to introduce the Japanese teacher, Michiko Kimura, whom I work with. I think her story of how she achieved her dream is inspiring for you. I hope you will get more motivated after reading it!
初めに木村先生のキャリアについてですが、日本語の先生になりたいと思って、まず2015年にロンドンで日本語教師のコースを取りました。それから、サンフランシスコにある日本語学校で約半年教え、その後東京の日本語学校で約3年半教えました。現在はアムステルダム大学の語学学校で教えていますが、Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesでも仕事をしています。
First, I would like to talk about the career background of Kimura-sensei. She wanted to become a Japanese teacher and took a Japanese language teaching course in London in 2015. She taught at a Japanese language school in San Francisco for about six months and at a Japanese language school in Tokyo for about three and a half years. She currently teaches at the language school of the University of Amsterdam, but also works at the Arai Academy of Japanese Studies with me.
Next, the key for her success is that she created an opportunity and seized it. I first met Kimura-sensei in 2015. When I was a university lecturer at SOAS, University of London, I had Japanese people participated in my conversation class. And Kimura-sensei was there. After the lesson, she came to me and said that he was studying to become a Japanese teacher. It is very important to create opportunities for yourself.
Therefore, I suggested, 'Shall I share how I became a teacher at the universities in the UK?.' And that's how our relationship started. Kimura-sensei firmly grabbed her first chance here.
I was also teaching at King's College, so we met at a cafe nearby and I talked about my story. I love supporting people who are working hard toward their dreams, so it was a great time for us.
When Kimura-sensei was living in Tokyo, a student of mine started living in Tokyo. So I asked her to give lessons to this student. At first, she hesitated a bit saying, 'Can I teach the students that Arai teaches?' However, she thought ‘Let's do my best!' and decided to teach her. This time, she took the opportunity again. Kimura-sensei and I started working together since then. Currently, she is also helping out with the conversation group called ‘Learning session in Japanese'.
いつも感じることですが、やる気と向上心は何かを達成するのにとても重要ですね。自分なら絶対できると信じること。そして、木村先生はこの全てがあって、いつも楽しく仕事をしています。時々Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの先生たちに教え方のトレーニングをするんですが、とても熱心に学んで、いつもレッスンの質を高めています。このような先生に出会えたこと、そして、一緒に仕事していることにとても感謝しています。
I always feel that motivation and desire to improve are very important in achieving your goals. Also you should believe that you can do it. Kimura-sensei has all of these, and we always enjoy working together. I sometimes train the teachers at Arai Academy of Japanese Studies on how to teach, and she has been learning with great enthusiasm and always improves the quality of her lessons. I am very grateful to have met such a teacher and to be working with her.
This is a comment from Kimura-sensei below.
‘It's been about nine years since I met Arai-sensei at SOAS. She is always trying new things in pursuit of her next goal. She has been inspiring me and has given me motivation for work. I moved to the Netherlands alone, and she supported me and gave me positive energy. I want to tell you this. If you keep trying, some people notice your effort and you will also find your role model. When you meet those people, take action to take the opportunity and create good relationships with them. I appreciate that you have read this article and we have met here! This first meeting with people is absolutely precious.’
What dreams do you have now? It's totally fine to worry sometimes. If you have the strong will to achieve something, you will start taking action little by little, people will support you, and you will gradually gain confidence. By doing it, you will be able to create and take opportunities like Kimura-sensei in the future. I am also very happy to have met all of you who are reading this now.
Do you have any questions about studying Japanese? You can receive support from Kimura-sensei. You can ask about grammar and vocabulary, how to study, and even practice speaking. Please check the LINK for her mini-lesson, if you'd like. We wish you great success from the bottom of our hearts.
輝いて Enrich your life!
Mineko Arai
Managing Director
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
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