Motivated Successful Teacher - How to change your career!
Jan 07, 2025
こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。皆さんは今、何かチャレンジしたいと思っていますか。どの分野でもゴールを達成した人の話を聞くと、やる気が出ますね。そんな皆さんへ、今回はArai Academyのお手伝いをしてくれている芳川美佳先生を紹介します。芳川先生の夢実現までの話はとても役に立つと思います。今日から新しい未来に向かって心が明るくなったら嬉しいです。
Hello, my name is Arai from Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. Are you facing a new challenge right now? You can be inspired by a person who has achieved a goal whichever the field is. I would like to introduce my new staff Mika Yoshikawa-sensei. Her story about her career change should be a good example for you. This is a message for you to make you feel more brighter toward your new life from today!
芳川先生は25年間会社員でしたが、2019年に日本語教師へキャリアチェンジして教え始め、2024年には日本語教師の資格も取りました。今はオンラインでプライベートレッスンをし、外国人向けの専門学校でビジネスマナーなどを教えています。また、Arai Academyのビギナー向けオンライン会話教材「Master Speaking Japanese」ではモデル会話などを手伝ってくれています。
Yoshikawa-sensei used to be an office worker for 25 years. In 2019 she started changing her career to a Japanese teacher and in 2024 she became a certified Japanese teacher. Now, she delivers private lessons online and teaches business manners at a vocational school for foreigners in Japan. She also helps with model conversations in Arai Academy's online self-study course for beginners, ‘Master Speaking Japanese’.
I was connected with Yoshikawa via LinkedIn, a business social media site, about a year and a half ago.
私が昔教えていたロンドン大学で、1年ぐらい前にオンラインで日本人と日本語を話すレッスンがあり、日本人ボランティアを募集しました。その時、芳川先生が協力してくれて、レッスンでお会いしました。それから交流が始まって、現在はArai Academyのオンライン教材のサポートなどもしています。
I used to teach at the University of London and about a year ago, there was an online lesson on speaking Japanese with Japanese people, and I recruited Japanese volunteers. Yoshikawa-sensei kindly joined a lesson and we met online. Since then, we contacted more, and now she is also supporting Arai Academy's online self-study course materials.
We finally met in person in December 2024. On LinkedIn, she has always been strongly supportive of my activities. She reads/watches each of my posts and often comments and shares them. I appreciate her amazing support and her active participation in the “Japanese Language Teachers” and “English Language Learners” that I organise.
Yoshikawa-sensei had been a company employee for 25 years, and the key to changing her careers was all about her energy came from her positive attitude toward life. I believe that everyone can be shiny when you are doing what you want to do every day.
Changing career from a company employee to a Japanese language teacher is not an easy path, but it is a wonderful shift in her life, and I am impressed by Yoshikawa'-sensei who made it. I feel grateful to have met her, who is actively living her life.
こちらは芳川先生からのメッセージです。This is a message from Yoshikawa-sensei.
「世界中にはたくさんの日本語の先生がいますが、私が一番尊敬する先生が新井先生です。プロ意識がとても高く、いつも前向きな考えをお持ちで、否定的な言葉を聞いたことがありません。そんな先生から「Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesのメンバーになりませんか。」とお誘いをいただいたときは、本当にうれしかったので「とても光栄です。ぜひ、お願いします。」とすぐに返事をしました。
‘There are many Japanese language teachers in the world, but Arai-sensei is the one I respect the most. She has a very high level of professionalism, always has a positive attitude, and I have never heard a negative word from her. When she offered me to join the Arai Academy of Japanese Studies, I was really happy. I immediately replied, “Yes, please. I am very honoured to working with you. “
Arai-sensei told me before, ‘You only live once! If you don't enjoy it, you're missing out.’ What are your dreams and goals? Is it to travel to Japan and speak Japanese? Some of you may want to work for a Japanese company. Let's try everything to make that dream come true. You only live once. If you don't enjoy it, you're missing out.’
皆さんは将来、チャレンジしてみたいことなどがありますか。ときどき不安になることもありますね。でも、どんな人生がいいか、毎日それにフォーカスしていれば、少しずつできることからやり始めて、今までより行動できて、自分が信じられるようになります。そうすれば、芳川先生のように実現できるようになります。応援しています!Do you want to challenge something for the future? Sometimes we feel anxious. But you will believe in yourself if you focus on what kind of life you want every day, because you can start doing what you can do daily little by little, and you will be able to take more actions than before. Then you will reach the goal like Yoshikawa-sensei did. I support you!
今、日本語をレベルアップしたいと思っていますか。芳川先生のミニレッスンでは日本語のサポートをしています。文法や単語について聞いたり、勉強の仕方を聞いたり、話す練習もできます。良かったらこちらのリンクを見てください。また、「Master Speaking Japanese」では芳川先生と私の会話が見られます。
Do you want to level-up your Japanese right now? Try Yoshikawa-sensei's mini-lesson to get support for learning Japanese. You can ask her about grammar, vocabulary, how to study, and even practice speaking. Please check out this LINK. Also, you can watch the model conversation videos between Yoshikawa-sense and me(Arai) on the ‘Master Speaking Japanese’ course.
This year, we will keep supporting you to learn even more smoothly with fun!
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