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Motivated Successful Teacher - Shift Your Energy!

Jun 25, 2024
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
Motivated Successful Teacher - Shift Your Energy!

こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。皆さんは今、何か新しいことを始めようと考えていますか。趣味、習い事、仕事など始めたいけど始められないという人も多いかもしれませんね。そんな時、実際に行動できる人の話を聞くと、どうすればいいか学べますね。そんな皆さんへ、今回は私が一緒に仕事をしているアシスタントの梁木俊秀先生を紹介します。梁木先生のやり方はとても役に立つと思います。今日からもっとモチベーションが上がったら嬉しいです。

Hello, my name is Arai from Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. Are you thinking of starting something new? You may want to start a hobby, a course, or a new job, but you can be stuck at the same time. In this situation, it is better to learn how to finally begin by listening to someone who can actually take action. If it is the case for you, I would like to share the story of my assistant teacher, Toshihide Hariki. I hope the way he has been doing in his life will help. I would be happy if you could get inspired and move forward from today.

梁木先生は人をサポートし、教えることが好きということで、いろいろなことにチャレンジしてはそれを教えています。昔は中国に行って太極拳を習ってから、イギリスでは太極拳を教えていました。趣味でダンスも教えています。その後、外国人に日本語を教えたいと思い、資格取得を目指して頑張っています。現在Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesでもアシスタント教師としてお仕事をしています。


Hariki-sensei is always passionate about supporting and teaching people. So, every time he tries new things, he teaches them. He has been to China to learn tai chi and then taught it in England. He also teaches dance as a hobby. When he realised that he wanted to teach Japanese to foreigners,  he started the teacher certificate course and he is working hard on the course. He is currently working as an assistant teacher at Arai Academy of Japanese Studies.

In addition, in the past, he took on a shop business when he was asked to take over his  friend's Japanese food store in England as he wanted to support him and it was a great success!

次に、梁木先生のチャレンジ精神ですが、やりたいことはまずやってみるということです。イギリスで初めて梁木先生に会った時、異文化交流に興味があると言っていたので、Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの8周年記念パーティーに招待したら、予定を空けて来てくれました。そして、ビジネスで忙しい生活の中、日本語教師の資格取得に向けてすでに行動しています。成功のポイントはまず、今していることで、好きじゃないことをやめるということです。そうすると、やめた分のエネルギーが自然に新しくチャレンジしたいことに流れるということです。実は梁木先生は釣りも趣味で、これは楽しいので、30年続いているそうです。

Next, Hariki-senseis mentality for new challenges is to try anything he wants to do anyway. When I first met him in England, he said he was interested in cross-cultural exchange, so I invited him to the 8th anniversary celebration party of Arai Academy of Japanese Studies. And he attended it by clearing his schedule for the party. And he has already taken action to become a certified Japanese language teacher in spite of his busy business life. The key to success is, first of all, to stop doing what you are doing and don't like. Then, the energy from what you quit will naturally flow to the new challenge you want to take on. In fact, Hariki-sensei also enjoys fishing and cannot stop doing it for the last 30 years.


Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesではレッスンだけでなく、Master Speaking Japaneseというオンラインの自習教材も手伝ってくれています。人をサポートしたいという気持ちがとても強い先生で、いろいろとお手伝いしてもらえて、本当に感謝しています。

When you take on a challenge, it takes a lot of time and energy to do it. So, it is important to decide "what not to do" first. I really enjoy the time that I teach Japanese, so I am happy to see that Hariki-sensei has switched his nature of joy of teaching to teaching Japanese.

At Arai Academy of Japanese Studies, he helps me not only with lessons but also with Master Speaking Japanese, an online self-study course. He is strongly supportive, and I am very grateful for all the help he has given me.

こちらは梁木先生のコメントです。This is the comment by Hariki-sensei.



‘I have been teaching for almost 3 years now and am learning more about teaching Japanese every day. I am very happy to have met Arai-sensei. I am amazed by her passion as a Japanese teacher and she is full of energy. And the lessons at Master Speaking Japanese are great. The videos of the lessons are very easy to understand and each one is absolutely enjoyable. I hope you watch the lesson videos.

And when Arai-sensei asked me if I wanted to work with her, I immediately said, "Yes, please!" I am now learning how to teach from Arai-sensei and working hard as a Japanese tutor. I am looking forward to teaching you too.


What do you want to challenge now? I totally understand that it is always hard to start, but you can shift your energy gradually and move toward what you actually want to challenge by stopping doing things you don't like but are doing now. Then, you will be able to take action at some point in the future. In this way, you will be able to challenge and be successful in anything like Hariki-sensei. Good luck with your challenge!


Do you feel a bit stuck in your Japanese language study now? Do you want to start learning Kanji or practising speaking, but you somehow feel not yet? Hariki-sensei is more than happy to support you in your learning process. If you would like to receive advice on how to smoothly move on to the next step, of course you can ask him how to study and practice speaking etc. Please see this LINK if you are interested.


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