日本と世界、情熱で生きる!Live with passion, Japan and the world!

Dec 10, 2024
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
日本と世界、情熱で生きる!Live with passion, Japan and the world!

以前ロンドン大学SOASで知り合ったM教授とご主人さまに再会しました。 M先生は客員研究員としてイギリスの大学で研究をしに1年間ロンドンに滞在していました。 私もその頃はまだロンドン大学で日本語を教えていたので、お二人は私が行っていた日本語の授業の日本人ボランティア、また日本語学習者との交流会などのイベントに参加してくださいました。

I first met Prof. M. and her partner at SOAS, University of London and we met again last week. They spent a year in London to conduct a research project at the UK university as a visiting scholar. I was still teaching Japanese language at the same university at that time, so they kindly joined my Japanese classes as Japanese volunteers and participated in events such as cross-cultural exchange events with my students.

大学の先生方は自分の専門分野への情熱がすごいので、その生き方に感動し、いろいろ学ばせていただいています。 あれから10年近く経ちますが、今もこのようにお付き合いができるのがとても嬉しいです。

Those university professors are so passionate about their field of study and I am impressed by their way of life and have been learning a lot from them. We have known each other for almost 10 years, and I am very to have this wonderful relationship.


They fully enjoyed their stay in the U.K. and they are now planning for another research project in the U.K. in about five years. I feel their strong passion from within! 


I am working in Japanese language education, but I am also a former English teacher when I was living in Japan, and I would like to contribute to the field of global communication as my passion and goal.


I have been creating online self-teaching materials for Japanese learners. You will be able to understand grammar and expressions by yourself clearly and become a confident speaker. I will keep you updated.


What field are you working in? You might be working between Japan and your country. Let’s support each other!


Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies



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