The Secret of Katakana Pronunciation

Jul 19, 2024
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
The Secret of Katakana Pronunciation

こんにちは。Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井です。今回はカタカナの食べ物と飲み物を紹介します。日本の夏祭りなどでよく飲むのが「ラムネ」ですね。ガラスのボトルと氷水が涼しさを感じさせてくれます。でも、どうして「カタカナ」だと思いますか。


Hello. I would like to introduce Japanese food and drinks in Katakana. For example,Ramune is a popular summer drink in Japan especially at summer festivals. The glass bottle and ice water make us feel chilled. But why is it written in katakana?  

I will introduce (1) the formation of katakana words (a)(b)(c), (2) katakana words in hiragana, and (3) the origin of the word "calpis". I hope it will be useful to you.

 ① (a)「ラムネ」はレモネードのような飲みものです。カタカナなのはlemonadeから来ているからなんですね。日本は発音に強弱があまりないので、英語で弱い部分はあまり聞き取れません。それで、発音は英語で強く発音される「lemonade」の部分[lemone]から作られたんですね。

① (b) 他に、レモンスカッシュという飲み物を知っていますか。「スカッシュ」は英語のスクオッシュ[squash]です。日本語では同じ長さで文字を発音するので、短いと、一つの発音に聞こえるので、「スクオッシュ」の「クオ」が「カ」になったようです。

① (c) また、日本語では「ん」以外は必ず[a/i/u/e/o]を付けて発音します。一番似ている音を選びます。例えば、「グラス」glassや「ヒーター」heaterなどです。

(a) Ramuneis something like lemonade and this is the original word. Only [lemone] part became the katakana word because Japanese language doesnt have strong accent and the part which does not have a strong accent, in this case [de] is not hearable.

(b) And do you know a drink calledremon sukasshuin Japanese? sukasshucomes from [squash]in English. In this case[qua]became[ka]. One sound has the same length in Japanese and it becomes one sound when it is too short for Japanese pronunciation.

(c) In Japanese, each sound has pronounced with one of [a/i/u/e/o] except [n]. The closest sound is used for example, gurasu for glassand hitafor heater.

 ② ラーメンは中国から入ってきた食べ物なので、カタカナですね。でも、ひらがなで「らあめん」と書いてあるのを見たことがありますか。どうしてひらがなで書かれていると思いますか。これは、たいてい和風ラーメンの場合に日本のものとして見せるために使うのに効果的だからです。


Ramen is a food that came from China, so it is in katakana. But have you ever seen it written in hiragana? Why do you think it is written in hiragana? The effect is normally to give the impression of Japanese style.

The word "bread" comes from Portuguese, but "anpan" written in hiragana gives the impression of a more Japanese-style bread than "anpan" written in katakana.



Another summer drink is Calpis. According to Asahi Group Holdings, this name is a combination of "calcium" and the Sanskrit word "sarpis," meaning the best.

I have not been back to Japan in summer since 2016 because it is too hot in Japan, but when I lived in Japan, I drank "Ramune" or "Calpis" every summer. Have you tried it? If you have a chance, please try it! I hope you learned something new about katakana words this time.

I hope you have learnt something new about katakana words.

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Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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