Japanese Art Collection - Anastasia von Seibold
Nov 05, 2024私の生徒であるAnastasia von Seiboldさんは日本美術のディーラーで、彼女のコレクションの展示会を見に行きました。ロンドンで古くから有名なサザビーズというオークション・ハウスでアジア・アート・ロンドン 2024というイベントがあったんですね。
One of my students, Anastasia von Seibold, is a Japanese art dealer, and I went to see an exhibition of her collection. Asian Art London 2024 was held at Sotheby's, the world famous oldest auction house in London.
アナスタシアさんは特に浮世絵や近代版浮世絵である新版画を専門に扱っています。イギリス人の彼女にとって日本の絵を見ると、 日本人の世界の見方がわかるのでとても面白いそうです。
Anastasia specializes in Ukiyo-e and a modern version of Ukiyo-e called ‘shin-hanga (new prints)’. As a British person, she finds it interesting to look at Japanese art works because it gives her an insight into the Japanese way of looking at the world.
One example is that in the Western paintings often depict famous people in paintings, but you can see many ordinary people in Japanese Ukiyo-e. I love a cat walking in a kimono, for example. So, Western impressionists, influenced by Ukiyo-e, also started to paint ordinary people.
Also, even making one print, various skills are required with many skilled people and each specialist must work perfectly in each role to complete the art work. Nowadays, the high quality of such works is highly valued around the world, and the price of Ukiyo-e in particular is rising.
From Anastasia's explanation, I can see Japan from the outside, and seeing Japan from a foreigner's perspective is interesting and a great learning experience.
My students in London also joined as well as my former Japanese boss and a former Japanese senior colleague at King's College, University of London. It was wonderful that they wanted to support Anastasia together. It was a great opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and for socialising with each other in Japanese.
By the way, Steve Jobs was also a collector of Japanese new prints, and there are British new print artists and depict things in Japan. I am very much looking forward to seeing more opportunities for people like Anastasia to connect Japan and the world. I would like to support Anastasia's professional journey as well as her Japanese lessons.
当アカデミーではJAPAN FOCUSという日本文化について学ぶイベントも行っており、2025年の4月にはオンラインでアナスタシアさんが日本美術について外国人の視点でお話ししてくれます。ぜひ楽しみにしていてください。
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies also provides JAPAN FOCUS, an event to learn about Japanese culture. And Anastasia will talk about Japanese art from a foreigner's perspective online in April 2025. I will announce the details in the future.
If you are interested in Anastasia's collection, please visit her website here.
I hope this article is fruitful for your learning.
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies新井峰子
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