【How to Succeed in Business Japanese Communication】- Think Like the Japanese (5)

Jan 03, 2025
Arai Academy of Japanese Studies
【How to Succeed in Business Japanese Communication】- Think Like the Japanese (5)

【Effective ‘Thank you mail’ in Japanese Way for Trust Building】


Hello. Thank you very much for working with the Japanese people. I am sure that you are making steady progress towards your goal every day. 


However, have you ever felt that you took action to build trust but actually you lost their trust when you were communicating with them? We almost lose confidence because of the language and cross-cultural barriers. I understand how you feel because I have experienced and struggled with many differences in the way of thinking between Japanese people and people from other countries.


Now I know how to deal with them. Of course, trust is important in business, but it is difficult for people from other countries to understand how Japanese people build trust. Once you know this, you will be fine! I would like to share the key for your success!


In this article, I will share how Japanese people feel and act after attending a meeting or event. Once you understand this point and act accordingly, you will make a better impression. The important point is to express your feelings toward the event host after the event. This will make you more successful than ever.


The previous article was about the importance of How to act for your absence. Please read it from this LINK if youd like.

今回は参加した会議やイベントの後に日本人は具 体的に何をしているのか私の体験談を例にご紹介します。どの国でもビジネスマナーはとても大切ですが、特に日本人が大切にしている点について触れたいと思います。この対応の仕方で信用を上げることも下げることもできるので、ぜひ信用を積み上げていってください。

I would like to introduce what exactly Japanese people do after a meeting or event  after attending with my own experience as examples. Business manners are important in any country. However, I would like to mention what Japanese people especially value. The way you act can make or break your credibility, so please build up your credibility.


I sometimes host meetings and events, but what do you do after you attend? The way you act afterwards will help you gain more trust from the Japanese.


A. 参加した時お礼を言って終わったので、その後にメールなどでお礼をしない。

B. 参加した時お礼を言って終わっても、その後にメールなどでお礼をする。

◆ Which of the following do you think I often experience?

A.  I said thank youto the host at the event, so I didn't mention it again by e-mail etc after that.

B.  I said thank you to the host at the event, and I mentioned it again by e-mail etc after that.


I often experience A. But with Japanese, I usually experience B. How about you?


What would the Japanese feel if you did not thank them after attending like A? They don't feel a connection with you because there is no contact afterwards. The credibility would not get strong. Most Japanese people think about the event again after their participation, so they want to tell what they felt at the time and send a message later on.


For example, we remember that The meeting yesterday was a really good experience, or we thank you again for inviting us. We feel grateful, have learned, and have been reflecting ourselves from the event by thinking about the time shared. Then we thank the host who gave us that fruitful time together.


In this way, the relationship naturally becomes more connected after it is over. Of course, you can be too busy to send thanks immediately, but you can still make a good impression even by sending the following day.


Japan is a group society, so feeling connected, especially after doing something together, makes you feel more familiar and trusting of that person. We encourage you to revisit your participation in the event later.


It is important to study Japanese expressions, but you will get closer to success if you first treat Japanese people in a way that makes them feel that they can trust you.


How was the story? Of course, it depends on the situation, and it may not always be possible to do as well as this example, but I would be happy if it would help you to reflect with your experiences and you would create a brighter future.

当アカデミーでのレッスンにご興味がありましたら、詳細はこちらのリンクからご覧になれます。If you are interested in our lessons, please see more details from this LINK.

Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesの新井峰子でした。

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