【How to Succeed in Business Japanese Communication】- Think Like the Japanese (1)

Aug 30, 2024

Trust Building by E-Mailing  


Hello. Thank you very much for working with the Japanese people. I am sure that you are making steady progress towards your goal each day.


However, have you ever felt that you took action to build trust but actually you lost their trust when you were communicating with them? We almost lose confidence because of the language and cross-cultural barriers. I understand how you feel because I have experienced and struggled with many differences in the way of thinking between Japanese people and people from other countries. Now I know how to deal with them. Of course, trust is important in business, but it is difficult for people from other countries to understand how Japanese people build trust. Once you know this, you will be fine! I would like to share the key for your success!


So, in this article, I will share the actual examples to show you the key point for successful business e-mailing. There are many things to keep in mind, but the crucial point to remember is that “how you treat people” is more important than “how you write”. In fact, you will get closer to success if you pay attention to this . I hope you find the two examples of (A) success and (B) failure useful.


First, example (A) is a successful case. My student-A followed my advice, overcame the cross-cultural barrier, and successfully received a contract for his business. Student-A enjoyed a drink he had while traveling in Japan so much. Then he wrote an e-mail to this company, hoping to franchise the business in his own country. He asked me to check this e-mail at a lesson and I helped. Later, he was told that someone else was already going to do the franchise in his country, and they rejected him. Then, I advised him on how to “treat” Japanese people in a way that he can still build trust and create an opportunity.


He told me that people in his country usually do not send a thanks mail after receiving a rejection, but if you want to succeed in business with Japanese people, you can make a good impression by sending a thank-you e-mail to thank them for taking time from their busy schedule to read and reply to your e-mail. Later, he received another e-mail from this company saying that they had changed their mind and they still wanted to work with Student-A. In the following meeting, he was able to get a contract with them. The “writing style” of the e-mail is important, but it is more important to “treat them” the way they feel strong trust to you. I will mention the reason why this attitude is effective for building trust with the Japanese people at the end of this article.

次に、(B)の失敗例です。Bさんは自国のやり方でやって、失敗してしまった例です。Bさんは日本の会社にマーケティングのプランをメールした後、返事がなかったので、Arai Academy of Japanese Studiesへ問い合わせがあり、アドバイスしました。その後、この会社の方からメールがもらえたので良かったんですが、お断りのメールでした。そこで、Bさんにお礼のメールをするようにアドバイスしたんですが、Bさんはお礼のメールを書きませんでした。

Next example  (B) is an unfortunate failure. Ms-B acted by following her own country's way and failed. She contacted Arai Academy of Japanese Studies for support after getting no response to her email about a marketing plan to a Japanese company. I helped her and she was happy to get an email from this company. But it was an email of refusal. So I advised Ms-B to write a thank-you e-mail, but she did not.


I totally understand that you feel down and cannot be in the mood to write a thank you mail. But in business, you don't want to make your chances zero, you want to make it one at least. Anyway, Ms-B sadly made her chances zero and failed.


The Japanese like to see a “willingness” to take a chance from zero to one, and if you can show that, you will have more chances. Of course, being too persistent can be rude to them, so please consider the timing of your actions. How were these examples? Of course, it depends on the situation, and it may not always be the same as this example. But you could compare it with your past experiences and use it as a reference in the future.


I wish you all your success!


Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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