The 7th Anniversary

Jul 31, 2022

今年の7月はArai Academy of Japanese Studiesの創立7周年なので、今月の「日本語で学ぶ会」は7周年記念パーティーと合わせて行いました。たくさんの素晴らしいメンバーにご参加いただき心から幸せな気持ちで満たされております。

The 7th Anniversary of Arai Academy of Japanese Studies was held together with the Learning Session in July 2022.I am absolutely happy that many of my members joined.


Many of my students and the Japanese supporters are always busy but it is very warm and kind that you made time and also travelled all the way from London for the celebration. I am absolutely impressed.

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies創立翌月の8月に「日本語で学ぶ会」を始めこれまでたくさんの素晴らしい方々をご紹介をいただき、7年間活動してこられたことに心から感謝申し上げます。

I totally appreciate for the members who brought nice new people to the learning events since I started it in August 2016. It has been continued successfully until now thanks to all those supports.


I would like to share some of the comments below.

・7周年おめでとうございます ♡ ♡ ♡ (Congratulations for 7th anniversary.)

・新たな出会いはいつも素晴らしい。(Meeting new people is always great.)

・Cake was very tasty


・もっと(この会を)やりたいです。(I’d love to join more sessions.)

・Thank you for the very tasty cake 😊ありがとうございます!

・Very enjoyable session & tasty cake!!


I am glad my hand-made maccha cake was so popular and I was able to show my appreciation for all your kind support. It was also very nice that my Turkish student shared the delicious Turkish food with all. And it seemed the Japanese related quiz was a full of fun!


Thank you very much for many presents and the donation for supporting my events to continue. I really appreciate for the wonderful time together. I felt the full of energy of the members!  I would like to contribute more for your learning path.

Best regards,


「輝いて」- Enrich your life!

Mineko Arai

Managing Director

Arai Academy of Japanese Studies

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